Тильда: книги Тоне Финнангер
Tone Finnanger. Tilda
В России есть в продаже оригинальные книги по Тильде от Tone Finnanger.
Автор: Tone Finnanger (Тоне Финнангер)
Языки: Английский
Издательство: David & Charles Publishers
Серия: Tilda.
ЕСТЬ в продаже в озоне - смотрите здесь.
Также смотрите в разделе автора. Там есть и переведённые на русский язык книги Тоне.
Есть даже новогодняя книга тильдовских игрушек - шьём к Рождеству и Новому году!
Также есть комплект сразу из 4-х книг
30 delightful projects include jolly geese, homely angels and playful bunnies. 30 игрушек - гуси, кролики, ангелы...
Detailed instructions and colour illustrations ensure great results every time.
Perfect for brightening your home or giving to someone special.
Книга 1
Dolls Dolls of all shapes and sizes, including pixies, babushkas and snowmen.
Книга 2
Angels Friendly angels for every room, including garden helpers, party girls and bedtime friends.
Книга 3
Bunnies An assortment of cuddly bunnies, as well as appliqu? projects and cute Easter gifts.
Книга 4
Birds Beautiful bird toys and decorations, including doves, hens and ducks. И ДРУГИЕ КНИГИ.
Оригинальные книги по Тильде

A seasonal collection of projects using the latest Tilda fabrics and embellishments, including gifts, decorations and cards. The designs include santas, pixies, angels and snowmen, all made in a festive color scheme.

Снеговики Тильда. All projects are accompanied by clear instructions, gorgeous photographs and color illustrations, making them ideal for beginners, as well as more experienced sewers. Popular techniques, such as appliqu and embroidery, are used and full-size templates are also included.

Летние тильда-идеи.
Tilda's Summer Ideas

A beautiful collection of summer projects using the latest Tilda fabrics and embellishments. The designs include angels, garlands, decorations and accessories, all in the seasonal shades of turquoise, green, pink and red. All projects are accompanied by clear instructions, gorgeous photographs and color illustrations, making them ideal for beginners, as well as more experienced sewers.

Popular techniques, such as appliqu and embroidery, are used and full-size templates are also included.

Друзья Тильды.
Crafting Tilda's Friends

30 fun sewing and papercraft projects show how to create the cutest characters. Features rabbits, birds, frogs, cats and an array of other creatures there are even garden angels in there somewhere!